Friday, August 29, 2008

We had started out on this mission of information on purchase checks online with lots of optimism. And we have also ended it in the same manner.

Today's purchase checks online Article
The date: 29th July 2005. The time: early morning. I got out of bed and fired up my PC. Opened my browser to check my site. Had a look at the third-party Google toolbar plugin ( on said browser (Fire

Ice formed in my stomach. I opened my bugged version of Internet Explorer: my PageRank was 0. By now I was frantic. I went to and typed in '': no pages listed. I did this for two other satellite sites of mine: ditto.

What had happened?

TigerTom.Com ( had been banned by Google. I went to the WebmasterWorld forum (, and found out the awful truth. Google was doing one of its periodic updates of its algorithm, and had filtered out my sites completely.

Further research there, and a bit of soul-searching, revealed why. I had too many pseudo-directory pages with auto-generated external links. Snippets from search engine results were used as descriptions of said links. Said links were run though a redirect script. These are hallmarks of pseudo-directories and 'AdSense scraper'* sites. Google is reportedly trying to filter these from its 'SERPs'**. I say reportedly, because Google doesn't announce these purges. They are inferred.

To compound my sins, these pages were also effectively doorway pages.

The theory was that legitimate sites had been hit as 'collateral damage'. I say theory, in that Google rarely comments on individual cases. It won't tell you exactly why your site was banned. I guess this is for reasons of time, and to give no clues to spammers.

In my case the ban was justified for my two satellite sites; while not looking like spam, they were effectively doorway sites.

My main site was different. It had offending pages, but was mostly a diverse labour of seven years; a personal site on steroids.

Google bans sites algorithmically: a site that fits their 'spammer' profile gets dropped via software from their index automatically. Real spammers shrug their shoulders and move on; honest webmasters write emails begging for mercy.

Like me.

I did some searching via Google, to find out how to do a re-inclusion request. Here's how:

1. First, you check your site is truly gone, by going to, typing '' without the apostrophes. If it returns no pages at all ...

2. You check Google's webmaster guidelines at These are not really guidelines; you should treat them as iron-clad rules.

3. You stop the offending content from being web-accessible, permanently.

If you're familiar with Apache web-server mod_rewrite you can:

- Send a 410 'Gone' response to requests for the offending pages, or
- CHMOD them to 600, which will return a 403 'Forbidden' response, or
- Move them to a different directory if you need to keep them, or
- Just delete them.

Don't try to be clever. Just get rid of them.

4. You go to, tick the relevant boxes, and type 'Re-inclusion request' in the subject box of the form.

4a. You add the complete URL of your site i.e.,

4b. You state that you have read the webmaster guidelines above,

4c. You admit what you did wrong; simply, succinctly, with no carping or special pleading.

Don't try to be clever. Don't argue. Don't lie. Don't waffle.

Google has cached copies of your site. When an engineer checks your site, he'll look for the offending content, and compare it against their cache. He'll spend about two minutes on it; don't give him a reason to continue to exclude you.

5. You ask for re-inclusion.

6. You wait.

In my case, it took about a week; a long, unpleasant, fretful week. I sent follow up emails saying what I was doing, and a fax, and I was going to write letters if that didn't work. That was probably excessive. Once you have a ticket number, that's all that should be necessary.

They emailed a standard reply saying "the problem had been passed to their engineers". That's good. I understand they send no reply to spammers.

A week later my site was back in. Lesson learnt. To make sure I'm not so vulnerable again, I'm splitting my content to different sites, on the principle of 'best not to have all your eggs in one basket'.

Have I learnt anything from this? Yes. Have more than one site as your 'money-maker'. Spend less time on search engine optimisation and more on traditional marketing. Come up with a unique selling proposition that compels people to link to your site. Easy(!)

About the author:
T. O' Donnell ( is an ecommerce consultant and curmudgeon living in London, UK. His latest project is an ebook on getting a loan in the UK ( His blog can be read at

Recommended purchase checks online Items

Lifelong AIDS Alliance, a new organization for a new era of AIDS. A true alliance, formed from the merger of Chicken Soup Brigade and the Northwest AIDS Foundation, created by community, joined together to fight for individuals. Lifelong AIDS Alliance is committed to preventing the spread of HIV, and to providing practical support services and advocating for those whose lives are affected by HIV and AIDS

Price: 20.90


Works to promote human rights and self-determination for Tibetans and to protect their culture and environment.

Price: 20.90


Peace Action empowers individuals to work collectively to bring about peace and social justice. Through grassroots organizing, empowering individuals to promote the reversal of the nuclear arms race, the achievement of disarmament, a peacetime economy, and foreign and domestic policies of justice and openness.

Price: 20.90


The mission of Cascade AIDS Project is to support men, women and youth with HIV and their families, prevent the spread of HIV in populations at highest risk of infection, and advocate for an effective community response to the epidemic.

Price: 20.90

purchase checks online in the news
Debunking the Myths of What Makes a Good Used Car (Carteret County News-Times)

Thu, 28 Aug 2008 12:22:17 GMT
(ARA) - For those in the market to buy a used vehicle, there is definitely some homework to be done. Online price comparisons, vehicle ratings, personal inspections, professional inspections and vehicle history checks are all critical parts of the process.

Jose Padilha Returns to Documentary

Tue, 15 Jul 2008 16:35:00 -0700
Cinematical: Filed under: Documentary, Foreign Language, Cinematical IndieTwo months ago, I brought word that Brazilian filmmaker José Padilha is moving on up to Hollywood, but now comes word that he has first squeezed in a new documentary. The film is titled Garapa, and like both his brilliant debut, Bus 174, and his recent Golden Bear-winning follow-up, Tropa de Elite, it deals with social problems affecting his homeland. This time, he traveled to the poverty-stricken northeast, where he docum

Calendar of Events - The Catholic Key

Thu, 28 Aug 2008 19:12:50 GMT

Calendar of Events
The Catholic Key, MO - 14 hours ago
Mail registration checks to SFO, 2100 N. Noland Road, Independence, Mo 64050. For information contact Bob McCray, (816) 781-5384 or Elizabeth Dietrich, ...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Life is full of questions; so this article was written with the intention of solving the question on ordering personal checks. Sure do hope that your questions have been answered.

The Best ordering personal checks Articles on Wine
Organize to Simplify - Monthly Financial Checklist

"Organize to Simplify" Monthly Financial Checklist
By Susan W. Miller

1. Select a monthly or twice-monthly date for handling all paperwork, and to meet your financial obligations. You may find this works better if you select one day a week and stay on top of things that much better.

2 Gather all supplies and equipment before you sit down to deal with the paperwork. Typical things include pens, file folders, checkbooks, stamps, labels, and calculator.

3. Sort all papers into five piles. These will eventually go into five financial folders:
a. Banking
b. Bills to pay
c. Payment booklets for fixed obligations
d. Sales slips and cash register slips
e. All other statements, such as insurance and investment notices

4. Balance your bank statements with your checkbooks. Follow the directions on the back of the statement if you are not sure how to balance the account. Put the reconciled statements in a file folder or binder labeled by name of the account.

5. Write checks for the bills and update your expense projection on expenses that vary from month to month. Keeping this information current allows you to have a better idea of what to expect.

6. Create a file folder for each month of the year. Be sure to label each folder with the
month and the year, or by name of the particular account. Collect the bill stubs and sales slips and put in appropriate folder. File in the same drawer as the bank statements.

7. Review insurance and investment notices, noting any changes or transactions. Premiums have a way of increasing over time.

8. Create a separate file folder for the bill stubs, canceled checks and any other documentation needed to support your tax return if you itemize your tax returns. File it anyway if you are not sure. You will gain confidence and knowledge in what to keep and what to throw away.

Remember, organization is being able to find what you want when you want it, get things done, and be in control of your life. If you are going to keep something, give it a home, label it with a common sense heading, and keep all records/folders in one location. Otherwise, feed your trash can.

2002, Susan W. Miller, All Rights Reserved

Susan W. Miller, President of Home Oasis International, a Denver-based company selling organizing products and services through home parties and online. She is the author of the "PRO NOTEBOOK" a Personal Resource Organizer, a life-planning tool to gain control over your personal and financial records. Home Oasis International professionals are available to speak to your group. 1-800-681-8681,

Featured ordering personal checks Items

Let the mud fly and your adrenaline soar with designs that take it to the limit.

Price: 10.44


Perched above the lush landscape, these creatures bring incomparable beauty and personality to checks.

Price: 10.44


Its a dream come truewhere an enchanted castle floats among the clouds and you take flight on the wings of magical fairies and majestic unicorns.

Price: 10.44


An all-American tradition hits this design out of the park.

Price: 10.44

Headlines on ordering personal checks
Family Finds Shredded Checks As Packing Material In Order -

Sat, 23 Aug 2008 21:00:26 GMT

Family Finds Shredded Checks As Packing Material In Order, Canada - Aug 23, 2008
They're checks from hospitals, medicare, schools, businesses, personal accounts, even government agencies. It is a practise that the company has been doing ...

Travel to Historical Japan with Artistic Checks’ Launch of the ... - The Open Press (press release)

Wed, 20 Aug 2008 04:01:56 GMT

Travel to Historical Japan with Artistic Checks’ Launch of the ...
The Open Press (press release) - Aug 19, 2008
The design includes personal checks, address labels, personal contact cards, and a checkbook cover that feature Asian flowers and traditionally adorned ...

Business Wire - OneUnited Bank Launches Summer School: Free Financial Literacy Workshops

Wed, 09 Jul 2008 07:00:00 GMT
July 9, 2008 -- BOSTON -- OneUnited Bank, the largest Black-owned bank in the country, announced today the launch of the OneUnited Bank Summer School. The program...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We had thought that producing some matter on check gallery checks would be an impossibility. However, once we started, there was no turning back.

Today's check gallery checks Article
New Book Reveals Strategy for Becoming Debt Free One Paycheck at a Time

It is no wonder in these economic times that an estimated 70% of households in the United States live paycheck to paycheck with no relief in site. In an effort to make ends meet, consumers continue to use credit cards to fill the necessary gaps.
According to the most recent research, the average household spends $1.22 for every $1 earned (MyVesta) and the average household credit card debt is at an all time high in this country of $8400 (CardWeb)! "At one point I had over 18 credit cards all that were at their maximum limit. This shock came after filing for a divorce to an addictive gambler. To my horror, I discovered I was facing $50,000 of cash advances that were used to feed his gambling addiction. The judge felt it was only fair to split the debt and I wound up $25,000 in debt at the age of 22. How is it, I wondered, that my husband could make me an authorized signer, without my knowledge, and make me responsible for his debt? Despite my best attempts at fighting this, I wound up $25,000 in debt! I vowed at that moment to never make such foolish financial choices again. That was nearly 15 years ago, and even though I accumulated more debt by returning to school along the way, Im now and forever more completely debt-free." states Kimberly Griffiths, author of a new book, ONE PAYCHECK AT A TIME.
The author further reveals, "Ironically for over 12 years I worked as a Banker marketing credit cards and loans with huge fees to customers. From this experience, I stumbled onto to a system that seemed to help me become debt free. ONE PAYCHECK AT A TIME is not an auto-biography of how I reached debt-free status; rather, its a workbook to help you get out of whatever debt YOU are facing by mastering one debt-free technique each pay period. If I managed to pull myself out of over $25,000 in debt with the tools I learned over the years, you can do it too. The workbook has been arranged in a personal journal format so that the reader customizes the budget exercises in collaboration with the timing of their paychecks."

ONE PAYCHECK AT A TIME, a 200 page workbook, contains budget management exercises for an entire year of paychecks. The author, Kimberly A. Griffiths, has been through the vicious cycle of debt herself, and provides a no-nonsense system to managing your money paycheck to paycheck.

The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 1Palyn Peterson

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'The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 1' by Palyn Peterson

At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true.

Some of you may have heard of these ideas before, others may be entirely new to you. But whether you are familiar with these super secrets or not, it will be well worth your while to put them into effect in your own life. The magic they will work on your financial life is guaranteed. I urge you to put them to work - any one of these could change your life! Big changes come from small steps. One plus one does equal two, so if you add one from eleven different places, you will see big results.

This is a four part series giving you advice on saving your hard-earned money in a variety of down-to-earth ways. Nothing here is anything that anyone can't do on a daily basis.

Amazing Money Tip #1:

The great scientist Albert Einstein once said, "It takes a genius to see the obvious." What he meant by that is that sometimes the simplest things in life are the most powerful ... but because they are so simple, we tend to ignore them, and not let them work for us.

One of the simplest but most powerful money making ideas is this: keep a daily log of everything you spend. Go to the dollar store and buy a little notebook and carry it with you wherever you go. Write down every penny - every single penny - you spend. It's as simple as that.

If you do this, you will find something magic happening in your financial life in just a few weeks.

There is something incredibly powerful about writing down all your expenditures. It makes the flow of money through your life more real and exact. It shows you simply and clearly just where you are spending your money, on what and why. Once you know that, it becomes much easier to control your spending.

Many people who have taken up this practice have not only learned something about themselves which they never knew before, but they are often astounded.

For example, a person could realized through examining their notebook that they actually spent nearly $2,000 throughout the year on diet soft drinks, snacks and candy bars! Since their job only brings in $25,000 per year, they realized that 8% of their entire income was being frittered away on something entirely frivolous. The person gave up the snacks and drinks, and found they had enough money to go on vacation the following year. If you had the choice between snacks or a much needed vacation, which would you choose?

The point is, it was their daily expense log that helped achieve the insight and clarity they needed to get control of their finances. That's what a simple spending record will do for you - it will give you control over your spending, and thus your financial life. There may be nothing but a 75-cent notebook and a ballpoint pen between your life of financial struggle and financial freedom.

Amazing Money Tip #2:

Stop deficit spending! We all know how much trouble Uncle Sam has been creating spending more money than our country takes in. It's called deficit spending. Well, don't fool yourself. The same rules apply to you. Using those evil little plastic cards may be the "American Way," but it's a darn poor way.

Today, the average credit card holder is carrying $8,000 in plastic debt!

Spending yourself into debt with a credit card is unbelievably easy, as many of you already know. The reason is psychological. When you give that clerk a credit card, it's just not the same as handing over a stack of green dollar bills. Would you as readily hand over a fistful of ten dollar bills as flip a credit card across a counter? Probably not.

Credit cards put you in the hole and keep you there. Even for people with good incomes, paying your credit card debt down to zero is amazingly difficult. And make no bones about it, credit card debt will sap your financial strength just as readily as an open vein will deplete your physical body of its very life force. Using a credit card by choice can quickly turn to using it for need. Once you get to that point, you are already in trouble.

There is no secret to freeing yourself from the credit card game. You must take out a pair of scissors today, cut your cards in half, and begin paying them back, slowly but surely. Be sure to always pay more than the minimum amount due, even if it is just $10 more. Once you stop adding to the debt, even small payments will eventually add up. You can get out of debt if you are patient and disciplined. Once your cards are history, you must adopt a strict pay-as- you go policy. Instead of buying now and paying later, save now and buy when you have the full amount.

Once again, this is not rocket science, but stopping credit- oriented consuming is one of the most powerful financial tools available to anyone today. Why not pick up this tool and use it?

Amazing Money Tip #3:

Sell your junk. That's right, it's high past time for a major yard sale. Search through your house or apartment for every single item you don't need, and could sell at a flea market or yard sale.

Take an inventory. The truth is, most people are astounded by what they own - and how much money they have tied up in useless stuff. Why let it collect dust in your attic while it could collect interest in a savings account.

You could easily be $500, $1,000 ... even $3,000 richer by the end of the week. As an added bonus, you'd have your place cleaned up, and you will have a fresh feeling of starting over. A garage sale is an excellent way to not only clean out your house, but it often gives a psychological boost that helps people get control of their life and money.

The next of the 11 best money saving ideas of all time will be discussed in part 2. Until then, take note of what you have learned so far and put this information to good use. Read and reread this article; I bet you will notice a difference sooner than you think.

Copyright by Palyn Peterson

Get the very same internet marketing techniques that many "guru's" are asking you $200 for -- FREE. Discover 24 necessary techniques. You'll also receive a free $gift$.

Recommended check gallery checks Items

Who says a klutz cant bowl? OK, well at least they have fun trying.

Price: 10.44


Gary Patterson makes light of ice hockey players aggressive tendencies.

Price: 10.44


Your dedication and care for others comes through in all aspects of your job.

Price: 10.44


This design offers a fun way to emphasize the importance of dental care.

Price: 10.44

check gallery checks in the news
2009 Honda Fit Photo Gallery -

Wed, 20 Aug 2008 00:56:27 GMT

2009 Honda Fit Photo Gallery, IL - 23 hours ago
Then come back here, click below and check out a full gallery of Honda’s new economy-minded hatchback. We do want to alert you that there are images of both ...

Cultural symbols illustrated in “African Elements” check design by ... - Express Press Release (press release)

Wed, 20 Aug 2008 20:46:34 GMT

Cultural symbols illustrated in “African Elements” check design by ...
Express Press Release (press release), NV - 3 hours ago
As part of the new design, Check Gallery is offering personal checks, address labels, personal contact cards, and a checkbook cover. ...

Officials, public file in to hear Obama speak

Mon, 04 Aug 2008 14:12:00 GMT
UPDATED 9:45 A.M. - Local leaders have begun entering Exhibit Hall C at the Lansing Center as the final preparations for Sen.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Writing all this on personal check printer can be considered an obligation to us. This is because we felt obligated on imparting all this knowledge we knew about personal check printer.

Today's personal check printer Article
The Checklist Web Hosting Service for Business Owners

One of the inceptive quality I develop is that the hosting companies can ripe with you. If they separate propose one package, and you thirst more, your netting dwelling possibly down for up to 2 days and/or you may have to change the code on any forms you use to match the new "server settings".

Don't be bothered to interpret a hosting service's subscriber information, FAQs (frequently asked questions), pastime areas or recognition boards on their sites.

A right hosting firm offers as copious of these basics as possible:

This is a hosting company I can succulent afford.

They instance a Money Back Guarantee.

They have hash on their zone about server uptime/downtime.

The transaction contacts me, at my first off email address, when/if acknowledged are installment server problems. (Could be problems when they're updating their server, hurricanes, etc.)

They arrange at maiden 5 POP email accounts (example Your email accounts should receive Alias Accounts, which sight eat up a POP balance to the business sending you an email; however, the inscription is in toto an "alias" that's forwarded to molecule other email account you choose. And when you send an email back to the original sender, it is the forwarding email account, NOT the that the sender receives.

There is a Web-based Email channels (a build for you to rationalize your email online). If not, my favorite is an undemanding disposition for email forwarding (and stop notice) capability.

24-hour customer service, by phone, leveled if it's a high station call, is best!

50 mg show (the room you infatuation for a 100 page website with each page in that approx. 8x11)

2 Gig Data Transfer/month (this bequeath be enough for utterly a while!)

Front Page Extensions - single wanted if you undertake a interlacing point with MS Front Page

Cgi/PHP/MySQL (or asp availability). Check with your designer to excogitate what you'll have need for forms to be created).

Easy Control Panel: This character is especially right-hand if you requirement to keep at your zone
or have someone heavier tender make headway it. It's the one father to adventure when making changes to your site, add addresses, etc

Statistics - Does your hosting companies works gain weekly and yearly statistics on each of your lattice pages? Will you notice how someone launch each of your web pages?

Secure server, Shopping camper (and unrelated things you'll ravenousness to side with elaborating a merchant bill system)

Server type: The trait of server a hosting care you choose, should advance consequence explanation the programs you consign migration for things pleasure in your shopping cart, affiliate program, lacework site pages, etc. If you're using ASP, JSP, PHP, CGI, PL, or CSS, these programs will influence the choice of a server and vice-versa. Your hosting service may use Windows (which for example accepts ASP but not PHP), Linux or Unix-based (Apache/FreeBSD/etc.) servers.

About the Author:

The author writes about a number of different topics. For more information on web hosting visit
and also visit the article pages: By NeoOne

Featured personal check printer Items

Long live the days of rugged cowboys, wild horses, compelling deserts and beautiful sunsets of the Western Country. Enjoy them again with these four poignant check designs. This design is available in single and duplicate check formats. Matching address labels, a contact card and a coordinating leather checkbook cover are also available.

Price: 10.44


With traditional style rendered in classic colors, these checks make an elegant presentation and are reminiscent of end papers used in fine literary collections. This series is available in single, duplicate and desk set formats. Matching address labels, a contact card and a coordinating leather checkbook cover are also available. Please note: Genesis desk sets and labels feature only the blue design.

Price: 10.44


Each of these designs is a cultural celebration of African art and heritage. Joining the dynamic Kente motif are art and proverbs. This design is available in single and duplicate check formats. Also available are matching address labels, a contact card and a leather checkbook cover.

Price: 10.44


These designs capture the multi-faceted nature of American patriotism. Featured are Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty, the Vietnam War Memorial, and the American Flag in action. This design is available in single and duplicate check formats. Matching address labels, a contact card and a leather checkbook cover are also available.

Price: 10.44

Headlines on personal check printer
Bus stops, delivers glimpse (Hays Daily News)

Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:37:43 GMT
Diane Kuhn and her husband often watch C-SPAN broadcasts from their Victoria home. On Thursday morning, however, Kuhn had the chance to see her favorite news channel up close and personal.

get a printer-friendly version

Wed, 06 Aug 2008 21:29:22 GMT
Power TV Powerlymics This is the player we'll commonly use on the homepage in conjunction with the top story.

Business Wire - Staples Announces the Top 10 Products for Back to School

Wed, 09 Jul 2008 07:00:00 GMT
July 9, 2008 -- Staples Back-to-School Survey Shows Value and Assortment as Top Priorities for Moms Shopping for Supplies This Year FRAMINGHAM, Mass. -- Staples,...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Writing is something that has to be enjoyed. And with all checks com, we have indeed enjoyed writing all that we know about it. We wish you also enjoyed yourself.

Another Great all checks com Article
The Killer Sales Letter Checklist

Sales letter not pulling like you want? Need a quick "fill in the blanks" formula for marketing your next product? Here are 20 essential components of the hard-selling sales letter:

1) Does your headline speak directly to your potential customer and give them a strong, specific benefit of your product or service?

2) Did you start with the strongest benefit of your product or service, then work your way down to include the least important benefits for your potential customer?

3) Do you explain how your product or service is better or different than your competitors?

4) Does your sales letter speak directly to your prospect? In other words, instead of saying, "people that like horses will love this book" you say, "If you love horses you'll love this book."

5) Do you use "you" twice as often as "I" in your sales letter?

6) Is your sales letter easy to read using short sentences and paragraphs?

7) Do you use power words and write with the goal of keeping your reader's interest?

8) Do you show your potential customer their problem; agitate it by telling them how troublesome it is, then offer your product or service as the solution?

9) Is your copy clear, easy to understand, and follows a flow from one paragraph to the next?

10) Are your strong words and phrases highlighted or bolded to draw attention and keep the reader focused?

11) Is your sales letter written in a friendly, active, conversational," me to you", tone of voice?

12) Have you used specific numbers and facts in your copy to build instant credibility?

13) Have you included credibility creators, like why you're an authority on the subject, testimonials, and case studies?

14) Does your sales letter have a nothing to risk guarantee that shows your confidence in your offer?

15) Do you include a reason why you're making this offer? Are you doing it because you are tired of seeing people scammed on the Internet and what to provide them with solid information they can use for profit immediately? Or are you giving them a dirt-cheap price because you have an overstock on inventory and it's costing you more to store the product in your warehouse?

16) Does your sales letter give details of what the customer needs to do? Call now. Or, simply fill out the form below, enclose your check or money order for $24, and mail to....

17) Do you make it easy for your potential customer to act on your offer?

18) Are you offering bonuses to increase response, or do you create high-perceived value for your product or service?

19) Did you create a sense of urgency in your letter, explaining that the price is for a short time or quantities are limited?

20) Have you answered all questions a prospective customer has about your product?

Grady Smith provides hard-core killer copywriting at prices you can afford. Use him for your sales letters, classified ads, and auto responder messages to set your marketing efforts on fire. Stop by and get your FREE critique and quote to learn how YOU can make more money! ===============================================================

Featured all checks com Items

Following his heart and belief that you cant go wrong as long as you do whats right for yourself, Tim McGraws honest and straightforward manner shines through his music.

Price: 10.44


He describes himself as having music in his blood. Its that kind of intensity that drives Travis Tritt to continue creating hits.

Price: 10.44


Creating music since 1984, Wynonnas passion for her art and for life continues to emanate from this much loved and celebrated songstress.

Price: 10.44


Extra Personal Deposit Tickets are available in Single or Triplicate format. Singles are available in sets of 200 and triplicates come in sets of 100.

Price: 8.95

Headlines on all checks com
BACK TO SCHOOL - Brown County Democrat

Wed, 13 Aug 2008 04:16:26 GMT

Brown County Democrat, IN - 4 hours ago
As drivers brake before leaving the lot, the mirror allows them to check all of the rear lights and look for other abnormalities with the back of the bus. ...

Qantas grounds six planes for checks - Sydney Morning Herald

Tue, 12 Aug 2008 14:51:38 GMT

Qantas grounds six planes for checks
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 17 hours ago
It was to "ensure all our records are 100 per cent accurate and we have advised the Civil Aviation Safety Authority", he said. CASA says it will look into ...
Qantas won’t send airplanes to Malaysia for maintenance checks Tehran Times
Qantas cancels overseas check-ups The Age
Qantas grounds six 737s to check maintenance paperwork Flight International
e-Travel Blackboard (press release) - The Australian
all 260 news articles

Finding time to put pen to paper

Wed, 13 Aug 2008 07:18:59 GMT
' novelists in particular - ' have an extremely difficult, yet widely coveted and strangely incurable gig.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All's well, that ends well. We have now come to the ending of harland checks designs. Until we meet again, adios.

harland checks designs For Your Reading Pleasure
SEO Reality Check

I wrote and article recently trying to illuminate the
value of a web site design
in as much as, 'what a design is'
and 'what it is not'. The experience got me thinking about internet
marketing, specifically SEO, in somewhat the same light. Over the dozens of
potential client service requests, RFP's and 'vertical' service
requests, I see many systemic problems in SEO and the way it is perceived.
For the un-initiated, I have ranted before on systemic
problems in the SEO industry
, for those following my 'traveling RANTing
road show', that's not what this is, although the lack of understanding
of it in the business world certainly is a player in the cause and effect of
my ire. Still with me? Onwards...

SEO is advertising, NOT sales

So just what exactly am I 'on about' this time? Well, the fact
that; Search Engine Optimization merely brings organic Search Engine traffic
to the web site
. That's all, that's it and there 'ain't
no more'.You would be surprised, (or would you?) at the number of times
every week I find myself explaining this little reality rendezvous. If you are
thinking that some how an SEO provider is going to magically 'Make You
More Money' it is a foolhardy game your are playing and any provider that
is telling you such should be taken back to SEO School (if there was

In reality, the most a great SEO campaign can do for you is bring boat
loads of targeted traffic
, which should in theory, bring increased
That is where the assumption belies the endeavor.
Let's think Brick and Mortar for a moment here.

We run an amazing Ad campaign on Televisions, in print media, out door advertising
and promotion. Does this ENSURE a revenue increase? Well if the product, service
or company we're promoting is of low quality it won't necessarily
translate the way we'd hope.
Taking this back to the web, a poorly
built web site, an unwanted service or product that wasn't thought out,
will not necessarily 'convert' the traffic brought in by the SEO

Understanding the Big Picture

I have long been an advocate in not being myopic over any one area
of an internet business
. So this is 'par for the course'
for me. One must now move past the SEO (and SEM) process and onto understanding
their visitors through Web Metrics, Analytics and conversion tools such as Split
and Multi-Variance testing, path tracking and other goodies to best
convert the visitors
they achieve through the SEO/SEM programs. Learn
to optimize the conversion rates to have a complete internet
strategy in place. Does it end there? Of course not. Next in line is customer
service (CRM) related issues. You can see how this starts to work now right?

Here's a simple way of looking at it that I picked up somewhere;

Attract - Captivate - Educate - Sell (convert)

The Search Engine Optimization (and Marketing) is merely part of the 'Attract'
phase. This is how to best perceive the role of SEO in your internet
business planning
. There is far more work to be done on the long road
to success. If we focus on merely attracting visitors, skewed perceptions and
high rankings, an entire world of possibilities for greater revenues and increased
conversions is being lost.

Back to the Drawing Board

So now go back about planning, running and growing your internet business.
I'd just be so much happier if everyone looked at a larger view of the
development process that they currently have.

Look at your business structure to ensure all the bases are covered. If you
haven't, put down your company structure on paper so you can see all of
its parts. Look at how you budget your business investments
into you business. Is it being spread out? Is one area getting more attention
or money than I may deserve thus limiting another (such as Analytics and split
testing software purchases)?

They say the failure rate for internet businesses is around 90% over the 1st
5 years. I would love to get that number down and have plenty more 'veterans'
to hang out with 5 years from today. Care to join me?

About the Author

About the Author;

David Harry is small
business developer
that has recently launched providers
of affordable SEO services.

harland checks designs Products we recommend

The original shock rocker, Alice Cooper infused the theatrics of show biz with the edginess of rock n roll, catapulting rock to a whole new level of entertainment.

Price: 10.44


Country music and traditional family values are such a part of Bryan Whites life that he knows hes where he belongs.

Price: 10.44


His lyrics and vocals touch emotions and capture lifes ups and downs with startling realism. Now you can enjoy the warmth and character hell bring to your checks, address labels, contact card and checkbook cover.

Price: 10.44


Always true to himself, southern cowboy Charlie Daniels doesnt label his music and doesnt follow fads. As he puts it, ''I cant be anybody but me.'' This Charlie Daniels Band checks series also has matching address labels and a coordinating band logo leather cover.

Price: 10.44

News about harland checks designs
Harland Clarke Holdings Corp. Reports Second Quarter and First Half 2008 Results (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)

Fri, 08 Aug 2008 11:00:00 GMT
Harland Clarke Holdings Corp. , formerly known as Clarke American Corp., today reported results for the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2008.

Harland Clarke Holdings Corp. Reports Second Quarter and First Half 2008 Results (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)

Fri, 08 Aug 2008 11:00:00 GMT
Harland Clarke Holdings Corp. , formerly known as Clarke American Corp., today reported results for the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2008.

Harland Clarke Holdings Corp. Reports Second Quarter and First Half 2008 Results (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)

Fri, 08 Aug 2008 11:00:00 GMT
Harland Clarke Holdings Corp. , formerly known as Clarke American Corp., today reported results for the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2008.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

The aim of this article was to spread as much information on checkbooks as possible. We surely do hope that we have succeeded in it.

A checkbooks Artilce for Your Viewing
Free Credit Score Check

Free credit score check is one of the best ideas to improve or increase your credit score. There can be many errors in your credit report that can obstruct your financial flexibility. Some people have the opinion that checking score can reduce their credit score rating but it is not so. Checking does not harm your credit score. In fact credit score check improves the credit score rating of an individual.

Why Check Credit Score?
Many lenders and retailers who extend credit facilities use credit score. The main purpose is to eliminate bad debts or any such poor line that may involve in the transaction. If you have bad credit score the lender may refrain from extending credit facilities but person with good credit score does not face any financial shortage. If you desire to have good credit score or want to increase credit score scale then you must check your credit score periodically. It is always advisable to check your credit score once in six months. Remember a minor error in your credit score can cause major destruction in your credit score rating.

Credit Scoring: Advantage
Your credit score reflects your past payment and debts history. Because of this credit score and reports many financial institutions are able to lend "instant credit" to the borrowers. Now days if you intend to purchase a car or house on credit the prospective seller ask for your credit score. That indicates that your credit extension is totally based on your credit score scale.

Your credit score consists of 5 components, which are payment history (35%), types of credit used (10%), Credit Inquiries (10%), total amount owed (30%) and length of past credit History (15%). It also reflects your bankruptcy, divorces, judgement, lien as well as all the negative and positive remarks. In order to avoid such things you must make your payment on time or before the due date.

About the Author

Isabella Rodrigues writes for,
offering the latest information on credit score, visit them today for more infromation
on credit score..

Visit today:

checkbooks Items For Viewing

Captivating aerial displays by the elite U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds are captured with this series of exclusive photographs.

Price: 21.90


Represent your proud North American Hunting Club affiliation with checks, address labels and a checkbook cover featuring the official NAHC logo.

Price: 21.90


Pride and enjoyment in your sport make North American Fishing Club checks and accessories a perfect choice for you. Photos by Randy McGovern

Price: 21.90


Represent your proud North American Gardening Club affiliation with checks, address labels and a checkbook cover featuring the official NAGC logo.

Price: 21.90

Current checkbooks News
Colorado in '08 is preview of unions' plans in '09 -

Sun, 10 Aug 2008 12:50:57 GMT

Colorado in '08 is preview of unions' plans in '09 - 12 hours ago
The uproar didn't come about all at once, however, as its origins were with a quartet of Colorado liberals with bulging checkbooks who several years ago ...

U.S. regulators check Fannie, Freddie books: report

Tue, 22 Jul 2008 00:10:05 -0700
(Reuters) - Bank examiners from the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Comptroller of the Currency are inspecting the books of mortgage finance companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , The New York Times reported on Tuesday. Lesen hier die vollständige Nachricht

Deseret News (Salt Lake City) - Reopening black farmers' lawsuits could cost billions

Sun, 29 Jun 2008 07:00:00 GMT
June 29, 2008 -- WASHINGTON -- Lawmakers budgeted just $100 million for damages when they reopened the government's discrimination settlement with black farmers. They...


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Was this article worth the search you took in finding information on bank checks ordering? We sure hope it is because we wrote this article with the intention of providing information on it.

Today's bank checks ordering Article
Web Site Checklist For Low Sales

What good is your Web site if you want to sell something and your aren't? If your Web sales are down, check your copy. You need Web site copy with marketing pizzazz.

Next time you think Web site--either putting up a new one, or wanting to improve yours for more sales than you ever dreamed of, use this checklist:

1. Rewrite in short benefit-driven sound bites or questions your visitor will feel compelled to respond to. example.

2. Make your headlines clear, short and direct. People come for easy-to-read material. Like you, they are in a hurry, and want free information fast.

3. Put yourself in your visitors' shoes. Think why are they at my site? They want to know first, that you can solve their problem with a magic pill.

4. Give your visitors a lot of free information . That's why they are on the Internet. After visiting you 5-10 times, they will eventually buy from you. Is this a lot of work? Not if you want to make ongoing, passive income while you visit the Caribbean.

5. Aim your copy at your laser, targeted market. Yes, you have one preferred audience you should spend all of your promotion time and dollars on first. When you shot gun promotion campaigns to many groups, you don't get well known as the expert, and you lose people's attention and loyalty.

6. Give your visitors new and a variety of free articles in your "free articles" link. Put a new one up every 2 weeks. Put NEW! beside each new article to draw attention to it.

7. Categorize the types of articles you post on your site. Recently, I have divided mine into writing/self publishing, Online and eMail Promotion, Web Promotion and Marketing, and Web Site Sales Copy, and Online Business Entrepreneurs who need my information.

8. Put a notice on each Web page: Bookmark this Site. We update material bi-weekly.Then, be sure you deliver your promise.

9. Present your copy to inform, convince, and compel your visitor to click here to buy.

10. Keep your language simple (would you believe 10 grade level or lower--even if they are scientist)? Keep sentences short. Write only short paragraphs, especially the first one. No more than 4-5 lines. When visitors see a long paragraph, it looks to hard to read and digest. Remember they are in a hurry.

11. Write a list of at least 5, but even 15 benefits your product or service offers. Take the #1 benefit and start with a headline that includes that.

12. Write a list of at least 5 features. These don't sell, but can be used with a strong benefit to pull orders. Later, transform these benefits into bullets--so easy to read for the skimmer.

13. Share your words with friends and associates before you pay someone to input or upload. This Casual Mini Marketing Survey may bring new book into the copy. Ask your group what benefits compel they to lay out $20-$50 for your product? Ask what words would persuade them to buy?

14. Don't talk about yourself (bio) on your home page. Put up benefits, questions your visitors have that you will answer, and write all copy to "YOU," your intended customer.

So, don't be boring, obtuse, or trite on you site. Your headlines and other copy should titillate, move, and make your reader think, "This is amazing. I want this!"

Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach Helps professionals manifest their book dreams eBook: _Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online_ Send an email to The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports Advanced Webdesign.Stef

New Web design Company here !
we are located in South Florida.


Featured bank checks ordering Items

The University of Pittsburgh #1 Fan check design is for the game-day superstition followers, talk-to-the-TV coaches, rant-and-rave-throw-the-remote cheerleaders, truest of true college sports fans.

Price: 21.90


The Purdue University #1 Fan check design is for the game-day superstition followers, talk-to-the-TV coaches, rant-and-rave-throw-the-remote cheerleaders, truest of true college sports fans.

Price: 21.90


The University of South Carolina #1 Fan check design is for the game-day superstition followers, talk-to-the-TV coaches, rant-and-rave-throw-the-remote cheerleaders, truest of true college sports fans.

Price: 21.90


The Syracuse University #1 Fan check design is for the game-day superstition followers, talk-to-the-TV coaches, rant-and-rave-throw-the-remote cheerleaders, truest of true college sports fans.

Price: 21.90

Current bank checks ordering News
Restaurant profits may suffer despite stimulus

Mon, 21 Jul 2008 06:06:51 GMT
Consumers may have had a bit more money this spring courtesy of Uncle Sam, but that small windfall is unlikely to translate into big second-quarter profits for restaurants.

Judge cuts lawsuit penalty

Sat, 05 Jul 2008 10:48:31 GMT
A judge has reduced the amount of money Lehigh County Authority can seek from Lower Macungie to make up for the sewer funds a former township official was accused of stealing.

Chase Bank Tries to Pull a Fast One - DebtSmart Online

Wed, 06 Aug 2008 11:16:56 GMT

Chase Bank Tries to Pull a Fast One
DebtSmart Online, NJ - 28 minutes ago
Chase Bank, the policeman of their terms, said to "write the check to the limit" then when I did they penalized me, and probably countless others, ...


We hope that this ending of our article on personal check printer proves to be a beginning to your interest in personal check printer! Now get down to learning more about personal check printer!

Another Great personal check printer Article
Your Moving Checklist

A moving checklist can keep you from forgetting important things, like turning on the utilities in your new home. You'll want to make your own list of things to be done, but you can start with the suggestions below.

Moving checklist - One Month Before

- Make reservations with moving company.

- Notify friends and family and give them your new address.

- Submit change of address forms to post office.

- Get documents for school transfers, if you have children.

- Have a garage sale or otherwise lighten the load.

One Or Two Weeks Before

- Arrange utility shut-offs and new connections.

- Transfer banking accounts to new location.

- Return books to library, rented movies, etc.

- Transfer prescriptions to new location.

- Clean house and dispose of things that won't be moved.

- Start packing and labling boxes.

- Pack an "essentials" box for arrival, with toiletries, paper plates, etc.

- Make moving plans (make hotel reservations, get maps, etc.).

Moving Day

- Start early and remember to eat.

- Double check every room and storage area.

- Turn off lights, lock doors.

- Leave the keys with the new owner or real estate agent.

You will undoubtedly have many more items to add to your personal list. Start writing down anything you think of as soon as you know you'll be moving. Will the phone be on when you arrive at your new home? Will you have to return across the country just because you forgot about a safe-deposit box that has the family jewelry. The best way to avoid problems like these is to start early on your moving checklist.

About the author:
Steve Gillman has invested in real estate for years. See a photo of a beautiful house he and his wife bought for $17,500 on his home page, or go straight to the section on real estate investing:

Featured personal check printer Items

The University of Georgia #1 Fan check design is for the game-day superstition followers, talk-to-the-TV coaches, rant-and-rave-throw-the-remote cheerleaders, truest of true college sports fans.

Price: 21.90


The Georgia Tech #1 Fan check design is for the game-day superstition followers, talk-to-the-TV coaches, rant-and-rave-throw-the-remote cheerleaders, truest of true college sports fans.

Price: 21.90


The University of Illinois #1 Fan check design is for the game-day superstition followers, talk-to-the-TV coaches, rant-and-rave-throw-the-remote cheerleaders, truest of true college sports fans.

Price: 21.90


The University of Kansas #1 Fan check design is for the game-day superstition followers, talk-to-the-TV coaches, rant-and-rave-throw-the-remote cheerleaders, truest of true college sports fans.

Price: 21.90

Current personal check printer News
33000 Clear Travelers Information Compromised - WebProNews

Tue, 05 Aug 2008 21:07:40 GMT

33000 Clear Travelers Information Compromised
WebProNews, KY - 14 hours ago
This should make that thumb print at the bank when cashing a check more interesting in the longer run as it is going to be impossible to change your ...

Hyatt Place(R) Named Top Mid-Scale Full Service Brand by JD Power ... - MarketWatch

Tue, 05 Aug 2008 20:42:49 GMT

Hyatt Place(R) Named Top Mid-Scale Full Service Brand by JD Power ...
MarketWatch - 14 hours ago
Gallery: An innovative welcoming arrival area where guests are greeted by a Gallery Host who assists guests with everything from check-in to preparing a ...

Business Wire - Staples Announces the Top 10 Products for Back to School

Wed, 09 Jul 2008 07:00:00 GMT
July 9, 2008 -- Staples Back-to-School Survey Shows Value and Assortment as Top Priorities for Moms Shopping for Supplies This Year FRAMINGHAM, Mass. -- Staples,...
